Registration Jobpassin Organization - Career Consulting

Employment Assessment

Total Registered Candidates : 20,221

Registered Candidates who use our Services:
: 2,886
: 7,878
: 6,456

The preliminary employment assessment costs 1 USD and is designed to determine your eligibility to work in specific countries of your choice, such as the USA, Canada, or the UK. Once you have processed your registration fee, our system will automatically direct you to the application form page. Once you have completed the form and submitted the required documents, the assessment will be conducted. Within 14 days, your results will be generated and sent to your email address through our system. For instance, if you choose to work in the USA, the assessment will determine whether you meet the eligibility requirements to apply for a visa. Based on your results and interest, your account managers will then assist you with the next steps.

Employment Assessment


Please check the below to see what features that you are going to be receiving.

What our Candidates Say About Us

Some of Jobpassin's Live Video Testimonials

What you get

Your resume is going to be published to your desired countries and it is going to be reviewed by the employments.
You are going to be able to see which companies reviewed your resume on our website for every day.
Phone consultation upon your desired working field.
FREE informational constultation about life in USA or your desired country to work
Download your FREE eBook "Costs of living in top 10 countries like US,Canada or UK.
Ask your questions face-to-face interview(on zoom) to our specialists in regards to your desired program from extras.(ebook,job search suggestions etc.)


Special services of resume writing & job search suggestions

IELTS & TEF courses are uniquely designed to make sure you pass the test with a high score

Review your experience in a desired job marketing field.